Judul Asli : Interdisciplinary art education
Mowafaq Ali Alsaggar*, Qasem Abdel-Karim Shukran
Faculty of Fine Arts - Department of Plastic arts, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Email address:
mwafags2000@yahoo.com (M. A. Alsaggar), qshukran40@gmail.com (Q. Abdel-Karim Shukran)
To cite this article:
Mowafaq Ali Alsaggar, Qasem Abdel-Karim Shukran. Interdisciplinary Art Education. International Journal of Elementary Education.
Vol. 3, No. 3, 2014, pp. 81-85. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20140303.15
Mowafaq Ali Alsaggar*, Qasem Abdel-Karim Shukran
Faculty of Fine Arts - Department of Plastic arts, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Email address:
mwafags2000@yahoo.com (M. A. Alsaggar), qshukran40@gmail.com (Q. Abdel-Karim Shukran)
To cite this article:
Mowafaq Ali Alsaggar, Qasem Abdel-Karim Shukran. Interdisciplinary Art Education. International Journal of Elementary Education.
Vol. 3, No. 3, 2014, pp. 81-85. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20140303.15
Orientasi gambar, pendidikan seni, orientasi biografi atau penelitian estetika yang konsep yangefektif dan berguna dalam konteks sekolah? Wacana didaktik tidak perlu ideologi seni, tapi evaluasi empiris dan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari model ini dalam praktek. Menurut pendapat saya, efek dari konsep yang berbeda tersebut tidak hanya harus dipertahankan tetapi terutama terdeteksi - sejajar dengan ilmu-ilmu empiris penting lainnya seperti penelitian otak atau komunikasi psikologi. Ini langkah tindakan yang diperlukan untuk internal mengoptimalkan konsep, tetapi juga untuk membuat mereka praktis eksternal. Pada saat ini, penelitian evaluasi yang diharapkan dan dibutuhkan ketika subjek seni adalah untuk dianggap serius dalam Wacana interdisipliner (Burn 2003). Selain dari beberapa studi empiris, pendidikan seni, namun, ist masih jauh dari ini dimensi penelitian.
Image orientation, art education, biography orientation or aesthetic researches which of the concepts are effective and useful in school contexts? Didactic discourses do not need an ideology of art, but the empirical evaluation and further development of these models in practice. In my opinion, the effects of such different concepts should not only be maintained but mainly detected – parallel to other important empirical sciences such as brain research or communication psychology. This step of action is needed to internally optimize the concepts, but also to make them practicable externally. At the present time, evaluation research is expected and required when the subject of art is to be taken seriously in an interdisciplinary discourse (Burn 2003). Apart from some empirical studies, art education, however, ist still far from this dimension of research.