Judul Asli : The science teacher’s opinions about using performance
assessment in elementary science education
Penulis :
Omer Kutlu1, Ozen Yildirim2, Safiye Bilican Demir3, *
1Ankara University, Department of Educational Science, Ankara, Turkey
2Nigde University, Department of Educational Science, Nigde, Turkey
3Kocaeli University, Department of Educational Science, Kocaeli, Turkey
Email address:
kutlu@education.ankara.edu.tr (O. Kutlu), ozenyildirim@nigde.edu.tr (O. Yildirim), safiye.demir@kocaeli.edu.tr (S. B. Demir)
To cite this article:
Omer Kutlu, Ozen Yildirim, Safiye Bilican Demir. The Science Teacher’s Opinions about Using Performance Assessment in Elementary
Science Education. International Journal of Elementary Education. Vol. 3, No. 6, 2014, pp. 121-127. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20140306.12
assessment in elementary science education
Penulis :
Omer Kutlu1, Ozen Yildirim2, Safiye Bilican Demir3, *
1Ankara University, Department of Educational Science, Ankara, Turkey
2Nigde University, Department of Educational Science, Nigde, Turkey
3Kocaeli University, Department of Educational Science, Kocaeli, Turkey
Email address:
kutlu@education.ankara.edu.tr (O. Kutlu), ozenyildirim@nigde.edu.tr (O. Yildirim), safiye.demir@kocaeli.edu.tr (S. B. Demir)
To cite this article:
Omer Kutlu, Ozen Yildirim, Safiye Bilican Demir. The Science Teacher’s Opinions about Using Performance Assessment in Elementary
Science Education. International Journal of Elementary Education. Vol. 3, No. 6, 2014, pp. 121-127. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20140306.12
Karena pelaksana kurikulum di sekolah adalah guru, sangat penting bahwa pendapat guru diambil mempertimbangkan pendekatan dan metode baru seperti penilaian kinerja yang digunakan dalam pendidikan sains. Oleh karena itu, pandangan guru harus jelas tahu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pandangan guru ilmu dasar terhadap penggunaan penilaian kinerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 148 guru sains. Menurut hasil, namun frekuensi menggunakan penilaian kinerja selama pelatihan tidak terlalu tinggi cukup, persentase guru yang menggunakan penilaian kinerja sekali atau dua kali dalam satu tahun pendidikan lebih tinggi dari persentase guru yang hanya menggunakan satu atau tidak. Alasan utama bagi para guru untuk menggunakan penilaian kinerja adalah "mentransfer mata pelajaran ilmu yang dipelajari di kelas ke yang
aplikasi dalam kehidupan nyata, "dan" mendorong siswa untuk penelitian dan mengumpulkan data. "Kesulitan
yang paling penting yang mereka hadapi saat menggunakan penilaian kinerja adalah "membantu orang tua." Mereka berpikir bahwa orang tua membantu anak-anak mereka lebih dari guru diharapkan. Kadang-kadang mereka melakukan seluruh tugas atas nama siswa. Selain temuan ini, saat mengevaluasi tugas siswa dalam
penilaian kinerja guru sering memilih untuk menggunakan keputusan dari pengalaman profesional mereka dan penilaian rubrik.
Kata kunci: Dasar Ilmu Pendidikan, Penilaian Kinerja, Ilmu Kurikulum, Ilmu Guru Views
Since the implementers of curriculum in schools are the teachers, it is imperative that teachers’ opinions are taken into account on new approaches and methods like performance assessment used in science education. Therefore, the views of teachers should be clearly found out. The aim of this research was to determine the views of elementary science teachers towards the use of performance assessment. The research was conducted with 148 science teachers. According to results, however the frequency of using performance assessment during the training is not very high enough, the percentage of teachers who use performance assessment once or twice in an educational year was higher than the percentage of teachers who just use one or not, The primary reason for teachers to use performance assessment was “transferring learned science subjects in the classroom to its applications in real life,” and “encouraging students to research and collect data.” The most important difficulty they encounter while using performance assessment was “parents’ help.” They thought that parents assist their kids more than teachers expect. They sometimes do the whole assignment on behalf of students. Besides this finding, while evaluating students’ assignments in performance assessment the teachers frequently prefer to use the decisions from their professional experiences and scoring
Keywords: Elementary Science Education, Performance Assessment, Science Curriculum, Science Teachers’ Views
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